Estuary Trust 'Heroes of the month'
The Ferrymead Rotary Club members collecting carelessly discarded rubbish along the Charlesworth Wetland Reserve section of the 360 Trail. Twice each year Rotary Clubs ensure the 360 trail path encircling Christchurch is free of rubbish and signage looks tidy. Wow, quite a commitment and a real bonus for the Estuary Trust wetland reserve. Well done Ferrymead Rotary Club. If YOU know of an Estuary hero doing a 'good deed' for the estuary, let us know by email; Photo shows H and S briefing before setting out to collect rubbish at the Charlesworth reserve carpark
The Ferrymead Rotary Club members collecting carelessly discarded rubbish along the Charlesworth Wetland Reserve section of the 360 Trail. Twice each year Rotary Clubs ensure the 360 trail path encircling Christchurch is free of rubbish and signage looks tidy. Wow, quite a commitment and a real bonus for the Estuary Trust wetland reserve. Well done Ferrymead Rotary Club. If YOU know of an Estuary hero doing a 'good deed' for the estuary, let us know by email; Photo shows H and S briefing before setting out to collect rubbish at the Charlesworth reserve carpark