Ferrymead Rotary presents its 20th Young Totara Award 

The Young Totara Award was set up in 1993 and since that time Ferrymead Rotary has recognised the achievements and responsible attitudes of 20 young people from our local community as Young Totara.   This year the award was presented to Sophie Watson


The award is made to young people under the age of 21 years who demonstrate strength of character, courage of conviction, care of the community, and pursuit of excellence to provide sound role models for other young people.  They are the leaders of tomorrow.  

This week our club was delighted to recognise Sophie Watson as one of these young leaders and the recipient of our 20th Young Totara Award.  



The certificate, lapel pin and a totara tree were presented to Sophie by Pat Edward, who has a long association with the Young Totara programme as the District Chair for many years.  

Pat said “it is clear to see that Sophie is an exceptional young woman with a wide range of skills and achievements.  She is an excellent student at school, and her position as Head Girl shows her personal, organisational and academic skills are valued by the other students and staff.  She is achieving well in her Year 13 studies and has a high level of skill in public speaking. 

Sophie has been involved in a range of activities outside school, including music, dance and sport.  She even manages to fit in time to work part-time to support these activities.  She also is involved in her church.  

Her energy and enthusiasm for all she does is remarkable and she lives a full, well-rounded life.  We congratulate you, Sophie, and we have pleasure in presenting you with this Young Totara Award.”