Tanya’s market needs our help to deliver the goods 

Most fine Sunday mornings you will find our club member Tanya at the Woolston Market selling an array of goods to raise funds for Rotary and other organisations. 

The money Tanya raises enables Ferrymead Rotary to provide much needed support for our community, our young people and our environment- all causes we are passionate about.  

Tanya’s market needs our help to deliver the goods 

Most fine Sunday mornings you will find our club member Tanya at the Woolston Market selling an array of goods to raise funds for Rotary and other organisations. 

The money Tanya raises enables Ferrymead Rotary to provide much needed support for our community, our young people and our environment- all causes we are passionate about.  

But the success of Tanya’s market depends on a steady supply of donated good quality items for her to sell such as: 

• Most household goods, but not electrical goods or furniture. 
• Non-fiction Books, but not novels. 
• towels, sheets, blankets and household linen - MUST BE CLEAN and in good condition.  
• tools – no matter how old and rusty 
• toys 


So, if you have something you can donate, or can spread the word on our behalf, we would love to hear from you – just email us at: info@ferrymeadrotary.org.nz and someone will be on touch to discuss the options for dropping off your goods or having them 

The market is run by the Linwood-Woolston Rotary Club, on Sunday mornings, at the Woolston Club, 43 Hargood Street, Woolston.


Tanya and her sister at the market