Award-winning painter and onetime Mt Pleasant resident Colin MacLaren has been confirmed as the feature artist for the debut Ferrymead Rotary Art Show in Redcliffs in November.
MacLaren, a former Ferrymead Rotary member now based in Central Otago, won the top art award at the Alexandra Blossom Festival in late September. He was also recognised for the overall quality of the four paintings he entered in the Central Otago Art Society exhibition. This was the first time these two awards have gone to the same artist.
Twelve of his paintings, including his recent winners, will be on display and on the market at the Ferrymead Rotary show at Club Redcliffs from November 4-6. These will include: his award-winning work for the Christchurch telephone directory cover; various Christchurch landmarks (including an historical view of Moncks Bay); vineyard and autumn scenes; and Italian scenes.