The Club celebrated 30 years with a community meeting at Club Redcliffs. We welcomed representatives from – Central Government, Local Government, our Community Board, Te Aratai College, Redcliffs Primary School, the Redcliffs Library, the Redcliffs Residents Association, the Estuary Trust, House of Science, Lions and our neighbouring Rotary Clubs of Linwood-Woolston, Christchurch South, Sunrise and Otautahi Passport, as well as members and partners, honorary members and former members.
The key presentation by Barbara shared the Club’s vision for the future where she outlined the key areas of focus for our Club being Community, Youth/Education and the Environment while also acknowledging the work we have done over the years. It was a great presentation and it was valuable to be able to share this with other groups in our community. Thanks to Barbara for this presentation.
It was also an opportunity to present our Charter President John Taylor with an Honorary Membership in recognition of his leadership and the tremendous amount of work he has done for the club over the last 30 years. We also thanked Pip Taylor for her significant support for the Club during that time. Thanks to Pat for the citation.
John & Pip Taylor
President Bill announced the Club’s 30th Anniversary project – picnic tables will be purchased for the Charlesworth and McCormacks Bay reserves for general use but they will also be a great resource; where school students can sit to do their project work. Thanks to everyone who worked behind the scenes to make this event a success.